Joanna Radziwiłł’s ‘OPIEKUŃCZE SKRZYDŁA’ (Caring Wings) Foundation has, for 8 years, been helping Polish children
from families in crisis. Separately, Joanna Radziwiłł has been working with children as a psychologist for more than 25 years.
We are a Polish registered charity, registration number
KRS: 0000 630 706, NIP: 521-37-43-928, and we are audited by the Polish Ministry of Family and Social Policy.
The accounting of the Foundation is kept in a reliable and regular manner by an external company. In 2019, the Foundation obtained the status of a PBO (“Public Benefit Organisation”) and operates in accordance with the statute and applicable law, submitting and publishing financial reports required in a transparent manner. They are available on the Foundation’s website: and on the Polish government website
The Foundation maintains financial liquidity at all times.
The houses are funded 15% through Polish government support and 85% through private donations.
We are supported financially by Polish and international individuals and companies and we are extremely grateful for their support.
The Foundation is further supported through partnerships:
Administrative – a key partner of the Foundation is the City Hall of Praga Południa district, which supports the Foundation’s activities with two annual municipal subsidies. It is one of the Foundation’s permanent sources of funding.
Business – the Foundation’s regular partners are: Renault, Rothschild&Co, Starbucks, Allen&Overy, Lilou, European Women’s Club, DESA Unicum, Forever, SOIT, BNP Paribas, Entraide Foundation (
A partner strategically important for the development of the Foundation is the Valores Foundation (, with which, after 2 years of participation in the mentoring program, the Foundation signed an agreement for 3-years of financial and service support.
Programs for individual donors – the Big Plate (feeding program for children) and the Protective Wings (program of individual child support).
CAF International Validated Organization
Organizations that have been validated by CAF International have completed an extensive application and due diligence process with one of CAF International’s Global Offices.
The CAF International Validated Organization Badge is awarded to organizations that are structured and operated as nonprofit entities. This is confirmed by a validation process that goes far beyond a simple reliance on a foreign government database.
The CAF International validation process includes a review of an organization’s key operational elements such as their governance structure, registration status, annual financial statements, online and media presence, and their board members and senior staff. This validation process ensures that all funds sent to the organization will be used charitably, and it allows CAF International and their donors to mitigate the risk of fraud, money laundering, and other criminal activities.